Stefan Gruber

2012 Café Kronberger, Winhöring
2010 Vanilla Pâtisserie Lounge Project
2009 Master Pastry Chef, Munich, top student of the year with state prize and gold medal
2008 Bakery and Pastry shop “Holzland©
Bäckerei-Konditorei Gruber”, Pleiskirchen
2007 Coup du Monde, Lyon, German National Selection
2006 Ecole de la Pâtisserie Olivier Bajard, Perpignan
2005 Grand Hyatt Dubai, Assistant Pastry Chef
2004 Grand Hotel Park, Gstaad, Chef Pâtissier
2003 Palace Hotel, St. Moritz
2002 Charly’s Tea Room, Gstaad
2001 Café Luckner, Oberaudorf
1998/2000 Completed his apprenticeship as
baker & pastry chef
Opening times: Monday to Saturday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Café Kronberger, Neuöttinger Strasse 2, 84543 Winhöring Phone: +49 (0) 8671 2313